Angela Denker
Angela Denker, author of Red State Christians: Understanding the Voters who elected Donald Trump (Fortress: August 2019), is a Lutheran Pastor and veteran journalist who has written for Sports Illustrated, The Washington Post, Christian Century, Sojourners and Living Lutheran. She has pastored congregations in Las Vegas, Chicago, Orange County (Calif.) and the Twin Cities.
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Beth Snyder
Beth Snyder is a Worship Pastor at Springs Community Church and DreamCenters in Colorado Springs. She has a M.A. in Theology from Fuller Theological Seminary. As a certified spiritual director, she also loves helping others create intentional space in their lives for spiritual growth and healing in order to integrate their personal story into God’s eternal story.
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Catherine McNiel
Catherine McNiel is a writer and speaker who seeks to open eyes to God’s creative, redemptive work in each day—while caring for three kids, two jobs, and one enormous garden. Catherine is the author of All Shall Be Well: Awakening to God’s Presence in His Messy, Abundant World (NavPress 2019) and Long Days of Small Things: Motherhood as a Spiritual Discipline (NavPress 2017) which was an ECPA finalist for New Author. Catherine is on the lookout for wisdom, beauty, and iced coffee.
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Colson Hauser
Colson is a reader, writer, and is interested in all things Bible. He is a financial Professional, and lives with his wife, Sarah, and three kids in Batavia, IL.
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Corey Tabor
Corey is a certified Sexual Risk Avoidance Specialist and speaks to hundreds of students 6th-12th about healthy choices related to sex, dating, and relationships. He was also the Director of LifeGuard, a sexual risk avoidance sex and character education program that has been taught in over 13 school districts serving over 50 schools reaching over 20,000 students throughout Central Texas, for over 7 years.
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Crystal Posada
Crystal is an Assistant at Heart of Texas Pregnancy Resource Center in Austin, TX. She and her husband, Josh, are members of Hope Community Church.
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Daniel Lopez
Daniel is a Native Austinite, husband to Hannah, and a member of Hope Community Church in ATX. He also works as a night-shift nurse in the ICU at Seton Medical Center in downtown Austin.
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David Chase
David, M.A., MA/T, is an art history instructor and stay-at-home father to two busy children. He seeks to bring his experiences as an educator, scholar and dad to bear on living in the modern world in light of the teachings of Scripture.
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Dorena Williamson
Dorena Williamson is a Preacher's kid and First Lady of Strong Tower Bible Church, a faith community in Nashville that celebrates the beauty of God's diverse kingdom. She has written ColorFull, ThoughtFull and GraceFull, a series of children's books that feature diverse ethnicity and helps shape perspective on race, disability and homelessness, and she also co-leads Nashville's Be the Bridge group. Dorena and Chris have four teenage and young adult children.
1 PostDorina Gilmore
Dorina Lazo Gilmore is a blogger, speaker and author of Glory Chasers and Flourishing Together. She specializes in helping people navigate grief and flourish in community. She and her new husband are raising three brave girls in Central California.
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Dorothy Greco
Dorothy Littell Greco is the author of Making Marriage Beautiful and the forthcoming Marriage in the Middle (IVP, late summer 2020). She lives and works outside of Boston with her husband of 28 years and their very needy cockapoo. You can find more of her work on her website, dorothygreco.com.
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Dr. Amanda Benckhuysen
Amanda Benckhuysen is a wife, mother, professor of Old Testament at Calvin Theological Seminary, pastor, and writer. She loves mining the Bible for the wisdom it has to offer on contemporary issues. She is the author of the recently published book, The Gospel According to Eve, with IVP and a forth-coming work, Immigrants, the Bible, and You.
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Dr. Carmen Imes
Dr. Carmen Imes is associate professor of Old Testament at Prairie College in Three Hills, Alberta, Canada. She is the author of Bearing God’s Name: Why Sinai Still Matters (IVP, 2019). She blogs at www.carmenjoyimes.blogspot.com.
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Dr. Michelle Reyes
Dr. Michelle Reyes is a storyteller, writer, activist, and mother of two. She and her husband, Aaron, planted Hope Community Church in East Austin, which serves historically minority and disadvantaged communities. She is also the co-founder and editor of The Art of Taleh. Michelle writes on faith, culture, race and solidarity, and her work can be found at (in)courage, Christianity Today Women, ERLC, Think Christian, and elsewhere.
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Eric Rubio
Eric Joseph Rubio is a Miami-based nonprofit and arts management professional. Follow him on Twitter @TheRubioRoom
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Faitth Brooks
Faitth is social worker, advocate, and podcast co-host for Melanated Faith. She is the Director of Programs for Be The Bridge, an organization specializing in racial literacy, and engages in community organizing and activism. Her faith fuels her passion for advocacy and seeing all people as image bearers. In her spare time, Faitth loves to write, travel, and spend time with family.
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Gina Butz
Gina Butz and her husband, Erik, have served in full time ministry for 25 years, 13 of them in East Asia. They are currently raising their two third culture kids and an imported dog in Orlando, Florida, where Gina serves in global leadership development at Cru headquarters. Her first book, Making Peace with Change: Navigating Life’s Messy Transitions with Honesty and Grace, released February 4th. She blogs at www.ginabutz.com.
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Grace Cho
Grace P. Cho is a writer and the Editorial Manager at (in)courage. In the middle of her years in church ministry, she sensed God moving her toward writing, to use her words to lead others in a broader context. She coaches writers, mentors leaders, and believes that telling our stories can change the world. Find her online at @gracepcho and gracepcho.com.
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Heidi Wheeler
Heidi is a question asker and change agent, advocating for those whose voices are marginalized. She’s a master's prepared nurse practitioner (University of Colorado) currently working on her doctorate (University of Wisconsin Milwaukee), professor, writer, and mother of four. Heidi enjoys co-hosting Bridge the Divide podcast and writing thought provoking pieces to challenge preconceived ideas. She was the 2019 recipient of the Ozaukee Chapter of Baha'i Spirit of Unity award.
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Jose Humphreys
José Humphreys is a facilitator and pastor of Metro Hope Covenant Church, a multiethnic and multicultural church in East Harlem, New York City. He is also a social worker, consultant and author. Humphreys is involved in shalom-making in New York City through facilitating conversation, contemplation, and action across social, economic, cultural, and theological boundaries.
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Josh Posada
Josh is the Music Director at Hope Community Church in Austin, TX. He also serves as an East Austin Young Life Leader, and is passionate about seeing kids come to faith. Josh loves all-things anime, basketball and re-watching The Office for the 100th time with his wife, Crystal.
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JR. Forasteros
JR. Forasteros is the author of Empathy for the Devil. He pastors Catalyst Church in Dallas, TX and co-hosts the Fascinating Podcast and In All Things Charity. He smokes meats, sings karaoke, loves horror movies and plays board games. He and his wife, Amanda, love to travel when she's not skating for Assassination City Roller Derby as Mother Terrorista.
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Karen Gonzalez
Karen Gonzalez is a speaker, writer, and immigrant advocate, who immigrated from Guatemala as a child. Karen studied theology and missiology at Fuller Theological Seminary. For the last 12 years, she has been a non-profit professional, currently working for World Relief, an organization in Baltimore, MD that serves immigrants and refugees. Her book, The God Who Sees: Immigrants, The Bible, and the Journey to Belong (Herald Press, May 2019), traces her own immigration story and the many immigrants found in the Bible.
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Kimberly Pelletier
Kimberly Penrod Pelletier is a spiritual director, writer, speaker, and co-host of the Ask A Spiritual Director Podcast. She is also the founder of the forthcoming Slow Soul Project. Connect with her and her work at kimberlypenrodpelletier.com.
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Kristy Garza Robinson
Kristy Garza Robinson is a Latina minister, activist, and author of Hermanas, currently living in Austin, Texas. She is passionate about advocating for those on the margins and seeking to help people integrate all of who they are into their calling, especially their ethnic identity. She enjoys good food, good friends, and deep conversations. She has a Masters in Global Leadership from Fuller Seminary and is co-founder alongside her husband Eric of a consulting ministry called 58 which helps ministry leaders take next steps towards greater justice, diversity, and equity in their organization. Kristy and Eric are also parents to two beautiful daughters.
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Landon Wolford
Landon Wolford is a first-year graduate student at the University of Texas, studying Educational Leadership and Policy. A lover of stories, Landon enjoys chatting with others over coffee and understanding what makes them uniquely them. He currently attends Hope Community Church in East Austin, where he helps lead on the worship team.
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Laura Costea
Laura is an encourager, a writer, and a nurse, and is blessed to be living in the Pacific Northwest with her husband and three young children
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Lisa Van Engen
Lisa Van Engen is a writer from Holland, Michigan. She has worked with young people in camp, youth ministry, and public school settings for over twenty years. Her book And Social Justice for All: Empowering Families, Churches, and Schools to Make a Difference in God's World released February 2019 with Kregel Publishing. Her writing can be found at lisavanengen.com. Her family enjoys hiking and going to Lake Michigan with their dog.
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Maggie Johnson
Maggie is a working mama in the trenches of full-time ministry with her heartthrob of a husband. When she isn’t chasing down a squishy toddler or changing dirty diapers, you can find her discovering new ways to communicate timeless truths.
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Pastor Aaron Reyes
Aaron is the Preaching Pastor at Hope Community Church. He has an M.Div. from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (Teds), and his own research and speaking engagements focus on the story arcs of immigration, redemption and justice throughout the Bible. Aaron is the co-founder of The Art of Taleh. A native Austinite, he lives in East Austin with his wife, Michelle, and two kids.
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Pastor Holland Greig
Holland Greig is the Lead Pastor of Eastside Community Church in Austin, TX. He has an M.Div from Redeemer Seminary, and is a Texas A&M alum. He lives in east Austin with his lovely wife Jenny, their two children Owen and Lizzie, and their dog Charlie.
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PaulaFrances Price
PaulaFrances is the InterVarsity Associate Area Director at University of Georgia. Originally from Spartanburg South Carolina, she grew up in Al Khobar, Saudi Arabia, and now lives in Athens, Georgia with her family. She is passionate about people seeing the freedom Jesus provides when his invitation to love all people is taken seriously.
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Prasanta Verma
Writer, Poet, Artist. Born under an Asian sun, raised in the Appalachian foothills of the southern U.S., and currently lives in the upper Midwest. Mom 3x and coaches high school debate.
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Quantrilla Ard
Wife, Stay-At-Home Mom, Doctoral Student and Entrepreneur; affectionately known as Quanny; hails from DC metro area; seeks to encourage women in all stages of life through empathy, transparency and love
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Ryan Lund
Ryan is a Minnesota native, who now lives in the warmth of Austin, Texas with his beautiful wife and crazy dog. He loves the Minnesota Vikings, Happy Hour, and Jesus (not in that order). Nothing excites him more than when people experience joyous intimacy with God in the context of the local church. Currently, he works in emerging and healthcare technology. He’s also the founder of the Austin Beer and Jesus meetup and enjoys preaching in the local church.
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Sarah Hauser
Sarah J. Hauser is a writer, food photographer, and omnivore living in the Chicago suburbs with her husband and three kids. She's writes about food, faith, creativity, and motherhood.
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Sharon Hoover
Director of Missions at Centreville Presbyterian Church for 20+ years; passionate about equipping the local church to serve well and to connect with ministry partners worldwide; author of Mapping Church Missions: A Compass for Ministry Strategy; lives in the Washington DC metro area with her husband and occasionally-visiting young adult children.
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Shedrach Rowry
Shedrach Rowry has authored multiple books and is the co-founder of Refuge Church in Pflugerville, TX. He also serves on staff at the Texas Baptist Children’s Home, and as CEO of The Levite Laboratory—a music development, performance, and production house. Through The Levite Laboratory, he and his team has recorded multiple albums and leads worship for conferences all over the world including venues such as The House of Blues, SXSW music festival, Austin City Limits, Trinity Broadcasting Network, The Word Network, T.D. Jakes’ MegaFest Conference, Urbana Mission Conference, and Novaro Gospel Festival in Italy. Shedrach lives in Austin with the love of his life, Kraven, and their three wonderfully smart and talented children, Isaac, Ariana and Elise.
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Sheila Wise Rowe
Sheila is a writer, counselor, spiritual director, and speaker. She writes and speaks about emotional healing, racial trauma, and reconciliation. Sheila is the author of the forthcoming book; Healing Racial Trauma: The Road to Resilience (IVP) and co-author of The Well of Life. She is the Executive Director of The Rehoboth House and co-founder of The Cyrene Movement.
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Stephanie Reeves
Stephanie Reeves is a member of the Redbud Writers Guild and her works can be found on the Redbud Post, Familylife.com and her blog, Compelled. She is passionate about family and Jesus, and looks for the spiritual in the every day. Stephanie lives, loves and writes in Orlando, FL where she and her husband of 28 years, David, have 3 kids and 1 adorable grandson.
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Stephanie Thompson
Stephanie is an ordained pastor, speaker, writer and mental health advocate. She writes about sensing the voice of God and encountering the Holy Spirit in the midst of our everyday routines. She is a member of the Redbud Writers’ Guild, and lives in the suburbs of Chicago with her husband and three teens.
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Terri Kraus
Redbud President; Co-Author of 9 historical and contemporary novels with best-selling author/husband, Jim; Award-winning contemporary trilogy – the Project Restoration Series; currently writes historical fiction and is passionate about Christian faith, women’s issues and hospitality; Design Team Member at The Re:new Project, a ministry to refugee women; 100% Italian; lives in Wheaton, Illinois, with her husband, miniature schnauzer, Sadie, and Siberian cat, Petey.
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Tiffany Henness
Tiffany Lavon Henness is a mixed Chinese transracial adoptee who grew up in rural Oregon. She is passionate about racial reconciliation in the church, and she writes about the intersections of faith, adoption, ethnicity, and justice at TiffanyLavon.com.
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Vinnie Casanova
Vinnie Casanova is a Mexican American activist and minister, currently living in Austin, TX. He is passionate about caring for and empowering other people of color in the fight for flourishing in their own lives and communities. Vinnie enjoys craft coffee, blogging, speaking, running, and spending time with his wife Kimberly and two kiddos.
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